Monday, May 28, 2012

Neurosurgeon and Pedi Appt

Addie saw Dr. George on the 21st of May, one year to the day since her first shunt surgery. Her scans look the same as they have since August of last year so I'm guessing it's her 'normal'. Her brain still has a lot of fluid in there but stable vents is our goal so we are happy. Dr. George commented on how she is looking like a little girl now and less like a baby. And on what a 'superstar' she is! They were very impressed with the fact that she's pulling up and cruising and starting to stand on her own. I did mention to Dr. G that I ran into my perinatologist at PetCo and that she had asked about the Dandy Walker diagnosis and when I told her that Dr. G had changed his mind and didn't think the cyst was Dandy Walker related, that she had wanted to know what kind of cyst it was. I finally got George to say he thinks it was an arachnoid cyst. I had asked him about it being an arachnoid last summer and he had said no. So for now, that is what we are going with. Until it changes again. It really doesn't matter though... cus the most important piece of information about her cyst is that it is GONE! Thank you Lord!

 We don't have to go back for a whole six months!! It'll be the week of Thanksgiving before we see them again.... WOW! Seems so far away. I pray that we don't have to see them before our scheduled follow up.

Dr. N was happy with Addison as well. Addie is now able to drink milk and have eggs and all those things that big one year old can do. She weighed 24 lbs, 8 ozs and was 31inches long. So 97% height and 95%. Her head was 51cm. It has slowed down tremendously which is good in my opinion, but we are glad that it is changing at least slightly. She is following the same growth curve, albeit, off the charts, but consistent with her pattern.

She had to have the mean ol' one year vaccinations but as of now, 5 days later, I'm happy to report she had 0 reaction to them. Not even fussiness. YAY!

She's such a little ROCK STAR!!  
In the car on the way to her appointment.
With Dr. George!

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