Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jackson Starts Pre-K!

Jackson started pre-k this Fall!! It was a big deal around our house, especially for momma!  Two kids in school is HUGE!  Jack was very excited but also pretty nervous... we tried to get his feet wet a little bit at at time, so to speak. We drove by his school a few times this summer, checked out his way cool, used to be at the Dairy Queen, playground, took him with me when I had to drop off paperwork, and went to the orientation to gradually get him used to the idea. He was so brave! He would ask me every day for over a week if his school started the 'next day'.

His reaction when we told him his first day of school was the 'next day'.
Big boy on his first day!

Addie got to ride with us! We switched her to her forward facing car seat because it's easier to get her in and out of it and boy are we getting her in and out more! We are go go going this year! (and yes we have adjusted her straps since this was taking so she's not so slumped down in her seat)
Thankfully Daddy was off on Jack's first day and we all were able to go up there with him. We left a very upset Jack, which was hard. He tried to be so brave but lost the battle as we were walking down the hall way. I had to peel him off of me and walk away, as we had been instructed to do. We did call about 45 mins after we left him and we were told he was playing with Leggos and having a great time - no tears! YAY!! 

It was strange being out with just one kid most of the day! We enjoyed running our errands - Adam  had to pick up a new key for work, I had to obtain a copy of Addie's birth certificate for our upcoming flight to Disney, and we managed to grab lunch at Torchy's just the three of us!  We made it back in plenty of time to pick him up and he said his school was 'the best school ever'! 
2nd day of pre-k for Mr. Jack the rockstar

A lot less tears on the second day so we were able to snap a picture in front of his classroom!

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