Addie finally saw her pediatrician last week. Because of her NICU stay at a different hospital than I normally deliver at, and a freak accident that our pedi's husband had that kept her out of the office for Addie's two week follow up, we had only passed her in the hallway at Addie's nurse visit for the second part of her newborn screening up til now.
I'm happy to post that Addie's pediatrician is very pleased with Addison. Said her tone looked great. The fact that her hands are already opening and aren't still clenched into fists is a very good thing. She's bright eyed which is encouraging for her vision delay. Dr. N said that Addie is delayed overall but she would still put her on the normal developmental spectrum as of now. Which is wonderful news! Praise God! We know this can change, for a variety of different reasons, but we take good news anytime we can get it!
Addison is being referred to a pediatric opthamologist but there was no rush on getting her in. Her appointment is November 14th, the same day as her next neurosurg appointment. Thankfully, Adam will be able to take off that day, and D will be able to pick up Grayson and we can get it all taken care of in one day. Hopefully! Praying the two doctors appointments don't result in follow up testing, such as an MRI.
Addison is doing well. She did have three shots at her well baby and seemed a little less like herself for a few days but thankfully no fever! When she's tired and not feeling well, I can really see her struggling with her vision. So I know it's taking effort to get everything working together. BUT when she's rested and feeling better, she's so much more alert! It's wonderful. I'm learning to cherish those moments that we make eye contact. She can do it. We know she can see. It's just a matter of how much she can see.
We also had her PT eval last week. She'll be starting physical therapy once a month for now, and then we'll most likely have to increase the frequency as there are more physical milestones she should be reaching. Our new goal is rolling from back to side and from side to back. Something Addison shows little interest in. But we're working on it! Tummy time is going well. She's really starting to get some clearance when she lifts her head. And her head control while upright or on my chest is getting much stronger. One day at a time!
Grayson is doing well in school. Homework has begun in full force and I'm fully appreciating the required balancing act that is being a mother of three. So far, so good. But many a night I was counting down the minutes til 9pm so I could crawl into a hot bubble bath!
Grayson starts swim team practice this week. He's in the Swim 101 developmental class for kids that are interested in swim team but don't have the skill set to compete yet. He will go two days a week for 30 mins.
Jackson had his first speech class this week and loved it. His teacher said he was a sponge! Which is great to hear. And his vocabulary has really taken off from when they did his first assessment last year.
First day of 'school' for Jack!
Melissa, with a small amount of my help, pulled up the carpet in our master bedroom this weekend. We have plans to put down wood floors in there. Melissa and I are going to attempt to do this ourselves over Thanksgiving break! This will be our test run, conquering the master bedroom first. If we can figure out how to do it ourselves, without totally screwing it up, it will save quite a bit of money. Enough money to equalize the cost of wood v. carpet for the rest of the house! I'm so excited!! Melissa and I also went couch shopping. Addison and Jackson both love to go! They enjoyed it as well. No purchases were made but some brands were eliminated from the hunt!
Currently, in our area, there are some massive wild fires. It's so sad. Nearly 350 homes have been destroyed in a neighboring suburb of Austin. Saying prayers for everyone affected by the fires. We need rain desperately. Thankfully we've had a small cold front come through today. The lows in the mornings should be down in the 60s this week. I cannot express how excited I am to walk Grayson to the bus stop in the morning and feel that first touch of fall in the air! I am so ready for Fall!! My favorite season, hands down! Football has already started! Makes for a happy Chapman crew! Melissa and I listened to the UT game on the radio Saturday. NFL opener is this upcoming Thursday. Adam and I are playing Fantasy football again this year. I feel like I missed out on most of football last year because of how rotten I was feeling with morning sickness. So I'm excited to be feeling ready for some football this year! Our anniversary is coming up soon. We already have a sitter lined up (thanks Aunt Missy!) for a long over due date night. I think we're both looking forward to it!
This upcoming week, Mom and Dad are coming in for several doctors appointments in Austin. Mom's going to be able to go with me on Thursday to have Addison's 3 month portraits done. I've had quite (a bit too much) fun shopping for picture outfits. In the process, I have discovered my love for baby Gap. I would post a link to the dresses I found for her, but they weren't available online. One of the dresses may have to wait for her six month pictures, so there will be pictures of it soon enough.
Addison is getting so BIG! In a 6-9 month outfit, taken this morning!